Learning to be a code alchemist, one experiment at a time.

AWS Compute Week, Day 1: Spot, Batch, and Lightsail


Introduction to Spot

Learn about Spot and best practices customer examples Tools and partners to help manage spot instances See a demo Bid for unused EC2 capacity lying around in data centers AWS has millions of customers; 2300 government agencies, 7k schools, 22k nonprofit Spot market is a real time market where the price changes based on supply and demand Never pay more then what you bid; if price goes higher then that, you get 2 minutes Applications should be as stateless as possible Pick a bunch of types and zones and etc. etc. for more uptime 21 percent run < 1 hour 35 percent < 2 hours 40 percent < 3 hours 50 percent < less then 6 hours spot blocks : only get a spot instance if you can have for dedicated number of hours spot fleet: get lots of different kinds of spot instances EC2 Spot Console EC2 Spot Bid advisor EC2 Spot Labs on Github : Python scripts that do cool things How is market price set? Amazon sets it based on availability and bidding

AWS batch

Batch computing, overview, use cases, Demo, Q&A Execute a bunch of programs on a bunch of inputs 2007 NYT processed 130 years in 36 hours for 900 dollars in 2007 ; 11 million articles and 4TB Scale it Job: Unit of work executed by AWS batch as containerized application running on Amazon EC2; reference container, command parameters, or .zip(run the .zip on amazon linux container) Array jobs: Coming soon; run many copies of an application against an array of elements Job definitions: how to run the jobs; mount points etc. etc. Job queue: where job lives until assigned to compute environment Compute environment: the EC2 instances these jobs are going to run on managed(they do) unmanaged (you take care of the EC2) Job states: submitted (in queue), pending( waiting on dependencies), runnable(Ready to run), starting (your job is in process of being scheduled), succeeded, failed,

Introduction to AWS Lightsail

Everything you need for a low predictable price Mem, processor, SSD, Transfer (prorated as well) Launch a VPS with a single click Pick your own preconfigured images with the stacks installed and applications