Learning to be a code alchemist, one experiment at a time.

AWS Compute Week, Day 2: Docker


Docker With ECS (Elastic Container Service)

Why containers? OS virtualization, Process Isolation, Images, Automation Portable Flexible Fast Efficient Hard to switch over to batch jobs unless you have a cluster manager Amazon ECS is a cluster management tool Mix and match the different EC2 instances for your different container images ECS scheduling will do everything for you Optimistic, and strict scheduling Optimistic tries to reserve, if fails, then fail Other waits for completion before it works // block it out No built in queue in ECS Fully managed elastic service Shared state optimistic scheduling Deep integration with other AWS services Load balancing, block storage, etc. etc. Routing via Application Load balancer Path based routing Dynamic port mapping HTTP/2 WebSockets Detailed Logging Task Definition

Deep Dive on microservices and Docker/Containers

Microservices Architecture, ECS, Placement, and 12factor App What is a microservice? Small independent stateless process communicating with API?s. Small and focused on doing a small task which lets you have a modular approach to system building Monolithic vs Microservices Build it all inside a package and put it on a webserver (but makes it hard for new features or bugs) Make a change in the singular service you need Black boxed

1Codebase 2Dependencies 3Config 4Backing Services 5Build,Release Run 6Processes 7 Port Binding 8 Concurrencies 9 Disposability 10 Dev/Prod parity 11 Logs 12Admin Processes

Container Orchestration with Amazon ECS & Blox

New Cluster Query Language
Lot of different things to filter by Deep Dives on CI/CD and Docker What is CI/CD,using Docker and ECS/ECR for this Deployment strategies Frequncies reduce difficultiy Consistency improves confidence Automation over toil Empowered developers make happier teams Smaller batch sizes are easier to debug Faster delivery improves software development practices Version control, branching, code review, Compilation, unit tests, static analysis, packaging Integration tests, load tests, security tests, acceptance test Deployment, monitoring, measuring, validation