Learning to be a code alchemist, one experiment at a time.

AWS Compute Week, Day 3: Serverless Day


Building Serverless Web Applications ?Randall Hunt

Technical Evangelist at AWS, of SpaceX and NASA randhunt@amazon.com @jrhunt on twitter Concepts, Design Patterns, Tooling, Demo AWS Lambda No servers to provision or manage Scales with Usage Never pay for idle Availability and fault tolerance built in 60TB/s throughput between S3 and Lambda Never pay for Idle (GB/s) Event driven, continuous Scaling Function versioning and aliases Versions = immutable copies of code+configurations Aliases=mutable pointers to versons Lambda Environment Variables Key-Value pairs Available via standard env variables, such as process.env or os.environ Can be encrypted via AWS KMS Web Applications, Backends, Data Processing, Chatbots, Amazon Alexa, Amazon API Gateway Concepts API gateway Variables Sam : Serverless Application Model (helps define entire Serverless application) is lot easier then cloud formation template Framework is zappa for python is best

Serverless Apps with AWS Step Functions

Trevor Roberts Jr, Solutions architect Modern Serverless Apps -> Lambda functions Take discrete units of work and doing them well and packing them into lambda functions 12 factor application AWS step functions: Application Lifecycle Json defined, Visualize in console, Monitor Execution Seven State types: Task, Choice, Parallel, Wait, Fail, Succeed, Pass