Learning to be a code alchemist, one experiment at a time.

Python: What are *args and **kwargs?


*args is something you pass into a function when it might be a variable number of inputs:

for example, the following function only works for 2 variables:

def sum(a,b): return(a+b)

what if you want more variables?

def sum(*args): sum=0 for number in args: sum+=number return(sum)

^^The above function will add any number of inputted variables together

A real example:

def my_three(a, b, c): print(a, b, c) a = [1,2,3]

here list is broken into three elements


**kwargs allows us to pass variable number of keyword arguments:

def my_func(**kwargs): for i, j in kwargs.items(): print(i, j)

my_func(name=’neil’, language=’python’, year=2)

language python year 2 name neil