Learning to be a code alchemist, one experiment at a time.

Introducing the new ministrike3.github.io


I just rebuilt my personal website

In the Fall of 2016, I hacked together a website from several different bootstrap templates and opensource JavaScript projects I found interesting. This left me with a relatively hacky, semi-functional website that was not ideal, and my blog on its own blogspot. After I began blogging with gusto at the start of the summer, I realized that I wanted to develop my own blog because of the limitations I faced with blogger. This led to me discovering Jeykll (which builds natively on github pages so woohoo). It’s also super fast (because it serves everything statically once built) and easy to use. I spent June 23-24 editing customizing, and developing my perfect Jekyll site.

There are still a few changes to be made that will be added over the next few weeks:

  • Editing the landing page; I already added my most recent blog post, but I’d like to add various other things to make the front page more exciting. I was thinking a 3 panel page with my most recent blogpost, my most recent event attended, and a link to whatever project I was currently working on.

This site is built on the shoulders of several projects:

  • Jekyll (Obviously)
  • Poole, The Jekyll Butler
  • Lanyon, the enhanced Poole

The rest of my blog posts from 2014-2017 should be imported over the next couple of weeks!